This is the Meditation/Clearing that I've been talking about and I wanted to share with you! Check it out!! =) Manifesting Cash Meditation

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Life On Life's Terms

Today I had a bit of a setback with a financial issue and it really threw me off balance. I had just finished my meditation and EFT for attracting cash and was feeling good. When all of sudden the overwhelming fear of what was happening hit me like a ton of bricks! I freaked. I totally went to the mental and emotional space of 'I don't have enough cash money'. It was scary, frustrating and caused a ton of anxiety. My blood pressure was up. I am grateful to say that although I was freaked I remembered to tap on the fear and the anxiety. I also tapped on the anger that I had towards myself for allowing this to happen. I worked really diligently to get myself back to a semi-balanced space. At least one where I was able to accept that I could only do what I can do and that I had to let go of the outcome. Worry won't get me anywhere and it won't change the past. It will hinder all of my work if I allow it to. That doesn't mean that I shoved it under the carpet in the hopes that it would go away. No I took what action I could and am leaving the results to The Universe. Whatever happens will happen and there is nothing that worrying about it will change.

Today was an example of how the EFT is really helping me to get away from fear based paralysis so that I can take the necessary action. I am grateful that I am working on this daily meditation along with a surrogate tapping routine. In the meantime I can continue to clear any more fears or worries that come up with the EFT, keep my focus on the ultimate outcome, flood my thoughts with Afformations and tap away any doubt, anxiety or fear that comes up...multiple times if need be. It's definitely challenging but I am trusting that the tools I am using have been used successfully by others, so why not for me?

In addition to this I am working with my EFT practitioner twice a month, for now, and she is helping me to continue to add to my tool box. It's great to have someone supporting me since at times it's really challenging for me to see through my own forest! Plus it helps me to be accountable to me so I stay on track. She is also someone I know that all these tool has worked for. So there is my continuous proof that constantly inspires me :).

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